Buying Lou a guitar

In Banos, we had heard about a master guitar craftsman, so we set out to investigate. After several abortive attempts to find the place, we stumbled across a disheveled looking workshop that – despite ringing and knocking several times, remained firmly cerrado. On my third visit a friendly man told me that he workshop was […]

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Lake Quilotoa

By Luke We went to a lake inside a volcano crater.  We had to hike down to it and it was really, really steep.  Sacha couldn’t come because her foot hurt (it was badly bruised).  My other sister and I went down.    There were a lot of places to climb and we pretended we […]

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The drive from Cuenca to Banos…

Is completely magical.  From the soaring peaks of the Andes we descended gradually into landscapes where cows, crops and humans perched precariously on vertiginous slopes.  We passed the old site of Quito, raised to the ground by the last inca general, Ruminahui, along with Ecuador’s oldest church – built just 3 years after Pizarro’s initial […]

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Jesus’ we have loved

Cuenca is traditionally, classically beautiful, with gloriously beautiful churches, ancient monasteries with nuns still cloistered forever from the age of 18, fabulous ruins, hills and river.  But it also has its, by turns, creepy and kitschy side, particularly when it came to the various representations of icons of Catholicism… Liberace baby Jesus  Porn star baby […]

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